Material from Science One Presentation

Hello Sci-Oners,

Here are the slides from the guest lecture I did last Tuesday. It’s contents are very similar to that of A Research Approach to Learning (but is more Science One-specific).

Academic Success in Science One (PowerPoint Slides in PDF)

Research Approach to Learning Handout (Handout at the end)

Good luck with your finals (you might want to check the exam prep series on how to start)!

Feel free to e-mail me with any questions that you may have.


Material from CLASS

Thank you to everyone who came out to my CLASS presentation on the 27th! I hope you had fun (or as much as possible while talking about learning – I go gaga for this stuff, but not everyone else does :P) and learned some new things. As promised, here are the handouts and PowerPoint slides. Unfortunately, the presentation isn’t completely stand-alone. However, the Research Approach to Learning section should make sense even to people who were not in the workshop.

Good luck on your next round of midterms (or finals)!


Here are the Links:

Research Approach to Learning

Research Approach to Learning Handout


Happy Halloween!

See Me Live!

Yes, I am a real person and not solely an online entity!

I will be presenting a workshop at the Conference for Student Learning and Academic Success (CLASS) at the University of British Columbia on Thursday, October 27th from 12:30 to 2:00 pm. The workshop is called “A Research Approach to Learning and the Path to Academic Success“. Yes, it’s wordy, and yes, you should come!

CLASS is a week-long conference for first year students to help them adjust academically to university (hm… why does that sound oddly familiar… :P). My workshop is just one of dozens of workshops and activities for students, so there is something for everyone. What exactly will I be talking about? Stealing shamelessly from the CLASS website (though I did write the workshop description, so I suppose I have a right to use it):

A Research Approach to Learning and the Path to Academic Success 

Do you think you could do better academically? Tired of not getting the mark you want despite working you’re a** off? Envious of how well others do seemingly without trying? Want to have astounding academic success? Well, look no further!

In this workshop, you’ll learn to approach learning the way researchers approach their projects. Use this effective system for finding the study strategies that work for you and how you can use these techniques to excel academically.  Will you magically become an A+ student? No. While the results may seem magical, there is no magic involved – you will simply become a better student and learner.  If have a burning desire to do better and is not afraid to work your butt off initially, this workshop is perfect for you. So what are you waiting for? Sign up now!


I don’t know what room I will be in yet, but register for CLASS and check out all of the other workshops available.

I’ve been told by the conference organizers that this workshop is wildly popular and already more than half full, so if you want in, go sign up now! See you at CLASS!

EDIT (October 17th, 2011): Apparently I’m REALLY popular and the workshop is full. For those of you that signed up, see you there!

Update (Nov 1, 2011): For PowerPoint slides and handouts from the workshop, click here.